Expert talk on “How to write a good research paper : An Editor’s Perspective”

Expert talk on “How to write a good research paper : An Editor’s Perspective”

Date: 20th March 2021 ( 6.00 P.M IST)

Speaker: Ms.Swati Meherishi, Executive Editor ,Springer Nature

Organized by: IEEE Women’s in Signal Processing ,Signal Processing Society Gujarat Section


The proposed expert talk is open to all faculty members/students/ research scholars of various departments of different Universities and industry personnel. The main objective of this programme is to cover the key elements of writing good research papers in reputed journals in real world research problems of different fields.

Some of the key topics that will be covered in the talk are:

  1. Writing for International Journals: Language, style and accuracy.
  2. Selecting a journal for your manuscript.
  3. Peer review and you.
  4. Publishing ethics.
  5. Plagiarism, citations, opens access: The buzzwords of publishing.
  6. Predatory journals and publishers and how to spot them.

You are requested to attend this session, for which access details will be shared after your registration.

Please find the attached event flyer, for your kind perusal.

Expert Talk is absolutely free of charge; however pre-registration is mandatory.

Students, researchers and faculty members from different institutes/universities are invited to participate in this event and interact with the experts.


Kindly note that the last date of online registration is March 19, 2021. 

For more Information, visit: Web Link:

Registration link for WISP talk:

Expert Talk: Adversarial Examples of Deep Learning System and Its Defense

IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Chapter – IEEE Gujarat Section and Ahmedabad University invites you to following expert talk

Title: Adversarial Examples of Deep Learning System and Its Defense
Speaker: Minoru Kuribayashi, Okayama University, Japan
Mode: Virtual
Date: 15.03.2021
Time:1100 am to 12.00 pm

Registration form:

Abstract: Deep neural network (DNN) is known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where adversarial noise is added to images or speech files so that a target DNN-based system outputs wrong results. Adversarial examples are the content which fools a system. Examples of systems that can be attacked using adversarial examples include face recognition and automatic driving system. Moreover, the DNN training data set could also be poisoned in the situation where the adversary has access to the training database. One of the defense techniques is to detect such adversarial images by observing the outputs of a DNN-based system when noise removal filters are operated. Such operation-oriented characteristics enable us to classify a given image whether it is normal or adversarial. In this talk, I will show state-of-the-art techniques for detecting adversarial examples.

About Speaker:
Minoru Kuribayashi received B.E., M.E., and D.E degrees from Kobe University, Japan, in 1999, 2001, and 2004. He was a Research Associate and an Assistant Professor at Kobe University from 2002 to 2007 and from 2007 to 2015, respectively. Since 2015, he has been an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University. His research interests include multimedia security, digital watermarking, cryptography, and coding theory. He serves as an associate editor of JISA and IEICE. He is a vice chair of APSIPA TC of Multimedia Security and Forensics, and a TC member of IEEE SPS Information Forensics and Security. He received the Young Professionals Award from IEEE Kansai Section in 2014, and the Best Paper Award from IWDW 2015 and 2019. He is a senior member of IEEE and IEICE.

Virtual Research Symposium Series by IEEE CIS Chapter – IEEE Gujarat Section

Virtual Research Symposium Series by IEEE CIS Chapter – IEEE Gujarat Section

Date: 17 Feb 2021
Time: 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM
The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Chapter – IEEE Gujarat Section brings in Symposium series to foster exchange of ideas and experience. It provides a discussion forum for advancement of their research and gain feedback on research work in the domain of computational intelligence. This is an initiative by IEEE CIS chapter – IEEE Gujarat section to build community for intellectual exchange and support the budding researchers.
Intended Participants: Anyone interested in Computational Intelligence Domain
Details of the next Symposium talk
Speaker: Mr Jayesh Munjani, PhD Scholar, Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, India
Supervisor: Dr Maulin Joshi, Professor  & Head, Electronics and Communication Engineering department, Sarvajanik College of Engineering &Technology, Surat
Topic: A non-conventional lightweight Auto Regressive Neural Network for accurate and energy efficient target tracking in Wireless Sensor Network
The design of an energy-efficient tracking framework is a well-investigated issue and a prominent sensor network application. The current research state shows a clear scope for developing algorithms that can work, accompanying both energy efficiency and accuracy. The prediction-based algorithms can save network energy by carefully selecting suitable nodes for continuous target tracking. However, the conventional prediction algorithms are confined to fixed motion models and generally fail in accelerated target movements. The neural networks can learn any non-linearity between input and output as they are model-free estimators. To design a lightweight neural network-based prediction algorithm for resource-constrained tiny sensor nodes is a challenging task. This research aims to develop a simpler, energy-efficient, and accurate network-based tracking scheme for linear and non-linear target movements. The proposed technique uses an autoregressive model to learn the temporal correlation between successive samples of a target trajectory. The simulation results are compared with the traditional Kalman filter (KF), Interacting Multiple models (IMM), Current Statistical model (CSM), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Decision Tree (DT), and Random Forest (RF) based tracking approach. It shows that the proposed algorithm can save up to 70% of network energy with improved prediction accuracy.
Registration: Interested may please register at and we will mail you the meeting details.

NeTSiP 2021

IEEE Signal Processing Society (IEEE SPS), Gujarat Chapter along with Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT), Gandhinagar and Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Language Processing (AILP) is honored to present a 3-day National Seminar of New Trends in Signal Processing (NeTSiP 2021),
The Main theme of the 2021 National Seminar on New Trends in Signal Processing (NeTSiP-2021) will Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence. NeTSiP 2021 features talks by leading researchers in signal processing and Artificial Intelligence that highlight these trends, spanning across the sub-fields of speech, image, audio, and video processing, biometrics, media security, Bioinformatics, language processing and communications. In addition to providing a forum for learning about new developments in signal processing and artificial Intelligence.
This COVID 19 pandemic situation should not bound knowledge from reaching those who desire it. NeTSiP 2021 will be held completely online in order to protect the health of the participants.
Visit NetSip Website for more information:
Click here to view CFP

Launching of WIE Gujarat Section logo and 2021 WIE Roadmap – Orientation Program

Title: Launching of WIE Gujarat Section logo and 2021 WIE Roadmap – Orientation Program
Event Date : 30/1/21
Time : 10 30 am to 12 pm
Organized by : Foram Rajdev – chair – WIE Gujarat section



The event was organised by the IEEE Gujarat Section WIE Affinity group virtually by Zoom. The event took place on 30th January 2021 from 10.30AM. All the WIE Advisors, Chairs and Vice chairs of the student branches of Gujarat section running the WIE chapter were invited to this event. The executive committee members of IEEE were also invited to grace the event.

Purpose of the event

The main purpose of the event was to discuss the roadmap of 2021 events that has been planned by each student branch under the IEEE WIE affinity group. And, on this Occasion the virtual inauguration of the IEEE WIE Gujarat Section logo had to be done.

Agenda of the event

  1. Welcoming of Chief Guest by Prof. Foram Rajdev, WIE Chair, IEEE Gujarat Section.
  2. Launch of the WIE Gujarat Section Logo by Dr. R.B. Jadeja, Dean, FOE Marwadi University and Treasurer, IEEE Region 10; followed by his motivational words for the team.
  3. Members’ Introduction
  4. Address by Prof. Foram Rajdev for the 2021 plan.
  5. WIE roadmap presentation by all WIE chairs of Gujarat Section.
  6. Vote of thanks by Dr. Manisha Shah, WIE Vice Chair, IEEE Gujarat Section.

Session Details

The event was started well within the time. The anchor Kripa Kundaliya offered a warm welcome to everyone and started by discussing the agenda for the meeting.

Prof. Foram Rajdev, WIE Chair, IEEE Gujarat Section then welcomed our Chief Guest – Dr. R.B. Jadeja, Dean, FOE Marwadi University & Treasurer, IEEE Region 10; for the inauguration of the logo. Dr. R.B. Jadeja declared the logo open and shared motivational words with the audience.

The WIE Chair, IEEE Gujarat Section Prof. Foram Rajdev put forward a presentation where she discussed the activities that have been planned for the year 2021 to be performed by Gujarat Section as a whole. She asked everyone to fill their preferences in the shared excel sheet for deciding the task allocation.

Towards the end, she motivated everyone to dedicatedly work for the WIE chapter for creating a change in the society.

Furthermore, all the student branches had given an opportunity to present their plan and roadmap for 2021 as decided by their chapters. Amazing ideas with diverse backgrounds were put forward from different branches. I included student branches of DAIICT, GCET, SILVER OAK UNIVERSITY, MEFGI, MBICT, AU

Lastly, the vote of thanks was given by Dr. Manisha Shah, Vice Chair, IEEE Gujarat Section.


Talk: Computational Intelligence for Remotely Sensed Data

Title: Computational Intelligence for Remotely Sensed Data
Date: 28.1.2021
Time: 11.00 am to 12.00 pm (45 Mins. talk + 15 Mins. of Q&A.)

Abstract: The talk will cover the use of computational intelligence  in solving remote sensing problems. The talk will cover classification, related data processing and global optimisation techniques commonly core to computational intelligence. It will discuss the use of Neural Networks to solve various challenges in remote sensing.

Speaker: Dr Deb Jyoti Dhar,  Outstanding Scientist and Group Director of  Signal & Image Processing Group in Space Applications Centre, SAC/ISRO Ahmedabad,
About Speaker
Debajyoti Dhar, Outstanding Scientist and Group Director of  Signal & Image Processing Group in Space Applications Centre, SAC/ISRO Ahmedabad, obtained BE in Computer Science & Technology from Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, (formally Bengal Engineering College , Calcutta University)  in 1987 and thereafter got Master Of  Science in Computer Science  from BITS, Pilani during service in ISRO. During the span of over 30 years with ISRO, he worked in system programming, device driver, Unix Kernel programming. He was a pioneer in development of Image Processing, Image Analysis and Satellite Data Processing applications using C in Unix platform in ISRO in early 90s.   Although his forte was system programming, parallel and distributed processing, and Process Scheduling in Unix Kernel programming, he took special interest in Applied Mathematics and Computer Vision to become Core Designer for Geometric Correction techniques for Optical Remote Sensing Missions.  He has also contributed significantly in meteorological data processing systems development for INSAT-3D and 3DR. He has been supervising the algorithms and techniques development for ISRO’s Earth Observations and Planetary Missions. His research interests are geometric correction of airborne and space borne sensors, System Software, Computer Vision, Machine and Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering.


IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter, Gujarat Section has initiated the “Technical Talk Series” to promote technical events. Episode#1 is on “Recent Developments in the Field of Quantum Machine Learning“.

Date and Time




  • Mr. Srinjoy Ganguly