Deep Learning: Recent Trends and Applications
Organized by: EC Dept., SNPIT&RC, Umrakh, Bardoli.
Financially Sponsored by: DST-GUJCOST
Technically Sponsored by: IEEE SPS, Gujarat Chapter
Total number of Participant (IEEE/Non-IEEE) – 63
Date of Event: 7th and 8th November 2020
Venue of event : Online through Google Meet
Description :
Deep learning is getting lot of attention lately and for a good reason. It’s achieving results that were not possible before. Deep learning becomes important as many organizations, both public and private, have been collecting massive amounts of domain-specific information, which can contain useful information about problems such as national intelligence, cyber security, fraud detection, marketing, and medical informatics. Companies such as Google and Microsoft are analyzing large volumes of data for business analysis and decisions, impacting existing and future technology.
The topics covered in the organized workshop were as follows: –
- Overview of Artificial Intelligence.
- Difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
- Difference between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning.
- Reinforcement Learning.
- Neural Networks and Logistic Regression.
- Gradient Descent and its variations.
- ROI methods and depth wise separable convolution.
- COVID-19 detection by using AI.
- Bird identification system based on Neural Networks and AI.
- Generative Adversarial Networks.
- NADAM Optimizer.
The workshop enlightened the audience and researchers with recent trend and challenges of today’s world. The workshop presented a platform for exchanging ideas and discussing challenges with field experts.
The workshop also motivated and persuaded the researchers and students to select deep learning and to develop systems like driverless cars, voice control in consumer devices, and artificial assistance, which will prove beneficial for the nation.
Event Photographs