Venue: Online Mode
Date: February 13, 2022

SAMPARK is an IEEE Gujarat Section annual event. SAMPARK has been a very important occasion in which all the student branches get a platform to connect, explore and thrive. SAMPARK is an occasion where we all have the opportunity to meet and share each other’s experiences that serve to give us new energy and direction for the year to come. The student branches of IEEE Gujarat Section showcase their IEEE activities during the year and annual activity plan of the next year. The event also provides a platform to share and discuss their ideas and views with Section Executive Committee and fellow student members, resolving issues of the student branches (if any).

IEEE Gujarat Section has been organizing this event since last 14 years. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, this year IEEE Gujarat Section is going to organize the SAMPARK’ 22 in Online mode on Sunday, February 13, 2022. It is matter of pleasure that SAMPARK’ 22 is being coordinated by energized student volunteers from the various active Student Branches of IEEE Gujarat Section.


Contact Person:
Prabhav Shah (+91 9106505620), Branch Chair, IEEE DAIICT Student Branch
Abnob Bhanu (+91 7043775099), Branhc Chair, IEEE SCET Student Branch
Haripriya Chivukula (+91 9409371018), Branch Chair, GCET IEEE Student Branch
Om Shukla (+91 9424655009), Branch Chair, IEEE BVM Student Branch
Manshi Yadav (+91 9662916802), Branch Chair, IEEE NIRMA Student Branch
Mahabhadra Shah (+91 9081929200), Branch Chair, IEEE ADIT Student Branch
Dr. Satvik Khara (+91 9558812627), Student Activity Vice Chair, IEEE Gujarat Section
Prof. Gunvantsinh Gohil (+91 8264275707), Student Activity Chair, IEEE Gujarat Section